Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Past Few

The past few days looked a little something like this...

I got a date-package from Evan


Kyle got us all mini pumpkins


I discovered the Chop't Creative Salad Company. New favorite place to eat, I wish they were on the west coast!


Danielle and I went to the movies with passes Wanda gave us before she left

We made our own popcorn, put it in a ziplock bag, and shook it with cinnamon sugar.  (We thought it might be a good idea) Which it was.. until the cinnamon sugar started shaking out of the bag all in our kitchen!

The kernels were too hot when we poured the popcorn in the bag and they made holes. We didn't have another ziplock so we just patched the holes up with some tape.

Kyle surprised Danielle with flowers :] (her second favorite flower- just like Evan got me my second favorite. Except- neither of these guys did this on purpose... hahaha)

annnddd Evan and I had our skype date :] I wish these happened more often... ( hint hint :] )

As for today- my parents are flying into NYC as I type this! It's only a matter of time before I get to see them... :] yayyyyy!

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