So yesterday was a big day for both of us individually.. While Danielle was working really hard the whole day to bring home the bacon, I was touring through south Manhattan with nothing but my huge camera, a water bottle, and a couple tortillas.
My ultimate goal was to travel all the way to Battery Park (the very bottom of Manhattan) and then back up north to the New York Academy of Art school to meet up with Alex. Did I mention she is studying for her masters degree there?
Anyways, the total trip was calculated to about 5 miles.
And my journey begins!
First interesting thing I found was a bunch of chalk-writing down 5th avenue, along with many of these cups providing chalk for people to express how they feel concerning 9/11. (click on the picture to get a better view of the note)
I came across the Washington Arch! Its hugee.. Dedicated May 4th, 1895.
Saw this cool fountain that a bunch of people were cooling off in from the super hot day
Visited the Architecture Exhibit.. No pictures from that unfortunately. But I caaan tell you that the lady at the front desk must of been European or a hippie or something.. if you catch my drift.. =/
Passed by this random sculpture..
These pictures really do not do the buildings' height or girth justice..
Battery Park! 1st Destination- Reached.
In remembrance of 9/11- 3,000 flags were placed in Battery Park. This display is titled "One Life- One Flag." Could not have said it better myself.
The Sphere- this sculpture once stood in the middle of the World Trade Center plaza.. It was damaged on 9/11, but not destroyed. It was placed in Battery Park to memorialize the victims.
There is also an eternal flame next to it, but I didn't capture it in this picture.
Thats our little lady liberty! :]
Originally named "Liberty Enlightening the World"
A few other interesting pictures I took from Battery Park..
Tried to visit the National Museum of the American Indian.. but it was closed by the time I got there =/ to be continued..
Heading back North to meet Alex at her school :]
The Bowling Green- the first public park to be established in New York- back in 1733
Soooo beautiful.
You mess with the Bull, you get the Horns.
Why is it that everyone takes the same picture when visiting this for the first time? hahaha
I want to do a little shout-out to Grandma Lewis- you were right.. lots of trash. and lots of different/questionable smells. Especially on the subway..
The Trinity Root- "Installed on the fourth anniversary of the terrorist attacks, and the Trinity Root is a metaphor for our connectedness and our strength." Try to click on it to read the sign.. pretty interesting.
Nuts! I got the mixed bag..
Remember to Love.
Finally arrived to the New York Academy of Art.
She happened to have to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a lecture, and so she let me come along :]
I don't know much about art... but going to an art museum with art students definitely gives you a whole new perspective..
After the museum, Alex put me on the right train back home- and there was only one crazy guy talking to himself, so it wasn't too bad :]
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